New Engines for Old Bombers B-52's Get a Powerful Makeover #usmilitary #b52

1 year ago

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The U.S. Air Force is moving forward with plans to extend the life of its B-52H Stratofortress bombers with the Commercial Engine Replacement Program (CERP). The program will replace the current Pratt & Whitney-made, decades-old TF33 engines with new F130 engines from Rolls-Royce and Boeing. The goal is to keep the Cold War-era bombers flying into the 2050s as the B-52J.

According to service acquisition chief Andrew Hunter, the U.S. Air Force expects to seek a Milestone B decision on the program in September. The completion of the Milestone B review will allow the CERP to begin engineering and manufacturing development as well as transition away from the middle tier of acquisition rapid prototyping effort under which it now operates.

The CERP will not only replace the B-52's engines but also update the bomber's flight systems, cockpit throttles, and displays. Additionally, the program will modernize the B-52's radar, improving the bomber's situational awareness and ability to accurately strike targets. Communication upgrades will also enhance the B-52's ability to exchange data and collaborate with other Air Force aircraft or units to strike targets.

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