27Apr23 Depopulation Agenda of WarpSpeed Jabs Laid Bare

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Testimony from St. James Massacre survivor about how last week's guest, Charl van Wyk, saved her life just as she was about to be executed by a terrorist pointing a gun at her. Yet another case where someone armed with even a small firearm in a "gun-free" zone can save those being attacked by multiple shooters with fully automatic weapons 2:29

Liberal SCOTUS justices come to the defense of Clarence Thomas as efforts to find something on him increase. 13:49

Majority of GOP in House are pushing hard to escalate the Ukraine war. A troubling resolution is about to be introduced by the majority neocons. 18:53

How Fauci is trying to run away from any responsibility, even though it’s a mandate. 23:29

Has RFK Jr changed his tune on man-made global warming? WATCH RFKj make absurd outrageous claims "predicted by science" when he interviewed Nathan Thurm (Martin Short). Martin Short is funny, but RFKj's "science" is pure lunacy 28:54

The greatest crime against humanity in history. The WarpSpeed conspiracy. Depopulation is the long term effect of the jabs. 33:40

Pfizer money to several groups was conveniently NOT reported as they pushed vaccine passports and mandates in August 2021 53:49

Are You Listening? Teachers/Biden Tell You AGAIN, Your Kids Don't Belong to You "There's no such thing as someone else's child". You're not even co-parenting if you put your kids in government school 1:04:44

Trump's sudden move to left and it's not just cultural issues 1:22:47

INTERVIEW Triffin Dilemma & Defunding the "World's Policeman"
Tony Arterburn, WiseWolf.gold, on gold, how sanctions have pushed nations to defund the "world's policeman" by moving away from the petrodollar. 1:33:18

INTERVIEW Honest Elections: What Would It Take?
Joseph Fried, CPA & auditor with 40 yrs professional experience, on various types of election fraud and what it would take to have honest elections in Republican controlled states and in Democrat controlled states. Author of "Debunked?: An Auditor Reviews the 2020 election — and Lessons Learned" 2:02:59

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