💥Final purge and Power Shifts💥AstroTarot- 4/26/2023 astrology portion

1 year ago

Merry meet!

The Enuma Elish tells us that our cosmos are alive and conscious with their own energetic frequency - including Earth. And just as other planets, the earth is going through great change.

We begin this week with Son, sextile and Saturn that really wants to solidify the things that we have been working on. The sun is also moving into Torres and catches up with our nodal axis, or North Node. Mars is in a square with Chiron on the 27th and we have to really be careful her not to say head in the sand, we can feel that things are moving too fast. Mercury still in retrograde, so we have this time to allow self to process, and to go over the path that we’ve been through in order to correct those things that we need to correct. The energy is a little smoother at the end of May but we are going to see a lot more movement as we get into May, as May starts out with a Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse.

This is a time that will be our final purge and our major power shifts. Make sure you turn into the show next week for more information on the lunar eclipse. Also, written blog on the Celtic lunation month of the willow tree, that we are in right now I will provide that link below. Listen for more information on this last week of April into the first week of May.


Want to learn more about herbs? Check out my article in The Witch’s Brew magazine. Www.ancientsisters.com

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