The Radical Left’s War on Truth

1 year ago

Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on April 27, 2023.

[00:30] America Is Being Run by Liars (45 minutes)
Tucker Carlson released a statement on Twitter last night at 8 p.m., precisely when his Fox News show used to air. Fox’s ratings collapsed after Tucker’s departure, but his 2-minute video statement has already been viewed 18 million times. In the clip, Tucker discussed the battle between truth and lies in America today. The Biden administration is working closely with the media to hide truth from the American people, while “deep state” actors constantly level unjust accusations against Donald Trump and his supporters. The radical left is at war against truth, and John 8:44 exposes the source of this lying spirit.

[45:00] The God of Truth (6 minutes)
The Bible makes it clear that God is a God of truth who cannot lie. His eternally truthful nature is an extreme contrast to our world of lies.

[51:30] E-mail Feedback (4 minutes)

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