The 3rd party/ Independent space has been severely compromised!

1 year ago

The people running the show know that most Americans do not appreciate the divisive language and the hysterical finger pointing of the obviously corrupt 2 party system. Now they are reaching out into this space to control it before it grows into something they cannot control.

My participation with many groups on the ground in ways that the media cannot cover with their surface analysis has made me a highly blackballed person in the media space despite my significant accomplishments.

The 3rd party/independent space has been compromised and the only real solution is local control with people that you work with directly over time. All these replacement leaders and activists are introduced to protect the control. There is no other way. The controllers have too much to lose.

This space is not being allowed to develop on it's own anymore and a disturbing unification of corrupted party leadership and agents have come together to specifically disempower and eliminate grassroots organizers.

Larry Alger pictured in the thumbnail is a former combat war veteran and Tulsi supporter who along with many other tulsi supporters were ejected from MPP, but now Tulsi be doing repeated events with Nick Brana, despite the open claims of sexual abuse and theft.

This is historical due to the convergence of 3rd party leadership and represents a unique time in history. This is particularly sad and a low point in history for the 3rd party/independent movement.

Luckily it is only the leadership that has been so corrupted and this is a necessary evil as it shows that Americans are waking up and that the possibility of the loss of control has extended to the point where they work to extend control into this space.

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