Your call to action – in such a time as this; a top attorney’s perspective! Special Guest - Warner Mendenhall

1 year ago

Warner Mendenhall’s experience with qui tam actions dates back to the 90s after the False Claims Act was amended to make it more accessible for whistleblowers. Beginning with two terms on Akron City Council in the early 1990s, Warner has helped citizens fight corruption and abuse of power. After getting licensed in the late 1990s, Warner won his first cases exposing block grant fraud and defending Charter Amendments in Akron, Ohio. Since then, he has settled multiple qui tam actions against healthcare companies like Mobile Medical, Inc., St. Jude Medical, Inc., and the Cleveland Clinic.

In recent years Mendenhall Law Group (MLG) has increased its qui tam practice dramatically. MLG now files on average, 5-10 cases per year
throughout the United States. MLG files the majority of qui tam actions in the Northern District of Ohio for fraud schemes originating in Cleveland, Akron, and Canton. MLG also regularly files qui tam actions in the Southern District of Ohio for fraud schemes originating in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton. MLG recently expanded its practice with a permanent office in Boston, Massachusetts.


Links for this episode:

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