Finkel is Einhorn... Einhorn is Finkel... Like literally Trans but, not like literally Trans...

1 year ago

Cis Hat Tip @LibsofTikTok

@LibsofTikTok 3:19 PM 4/25/2023

This person is non-binary, gender fluid, sometimes trans and sometimes not. This is what gender ideology does to people- confuses them about their identity. Very sad.


DON’T CALL ME BRO so it's like, the night before I met them.. and this could be anyone.. or that puppy.. gimme that apple juice.. This is transphobic harassment.. Why do cis-het-fucking… Stop gaslighting… morons want to deny I exist.. why do they want to genocide trans people... and say that we're janitors at that burger king, it was wendy's.. no.. it wasn't getting my oil changed, cis demon walrus pancakes need to be put in death camps.,. but like literally.. so, ok..STOP CALLING ME SIR!!!!..

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