The Bogdanovich Glacier is the largest glacier at the junction of the Maloalmaatinsky...

1 year ago

The Bogdanovich Glacier is the largest glacier at the junction of the Maloalmaatinsky and Komsomolsky spurs. The glacier is named in honor of Karl Ivanovich Bogdanovich, who made a huge contribution to the development of seismology and studied the Vernensky earthquake of 1910.

The Oktyabrskaya Cave in the Bogdanovich Glacier is the longest cave in Kazakhstan, which was discovered in 1963. The October Cave has 5 entrances and its length is 1300-1390 meters.

When you descend into the cave, it is as if you find yourself in a world frozen in time and bound by ice. Huge stones are located inside transparent ice, stalactites hang on the walls and ceiling and ice growths of completely different shapes, a smooth smooth floor and a high ceiling create their own atmosphere - all this is an icy world that fascinates with its inviolability and purity!

The season for visiting this location is December-February.

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