oh! if only spouting your opinion actually helped the world

1 year ago

the internet is a very dangerous place
i once again proved myself right
the laptop does the same damage
having knowledge of God and the Devil definitely helps understanding my persective
the internet has proven how fake/stupid/terrible the world is
God is allowing the internet to reveal the Truth
panic attack, needless to say hahaha
temporarily forgot God and His Seal of protection
true happiness is freedom from this world
it does sound very selfish but it makes more sense than FOMO
americans are not conscious of much
no we cannot focus on him...the man in my head is getting mad haha
hope yawl got a good glimpse of kerry harris
for 8yrs he has excelled in the realstate biz
whenever passing thru columbia, tn on the nashville highway look for him
everyone has unlimited access to sooooo much information AT ALL TIMES
becuz they lack interest/discernment...
"good people" follow the rules
most people are either stupid or terrible *side rant
people dunno how to pick n choose conversation topics
imma change the conversation
you don't deserve a solution, america
3/5 of a mile in 10 seconds by jefferson airplane
do people believe in art still
technology. mass consumption. distractions.
the main problem is everyone being a fucking junkie
i do whatever i can to avoid the general public
they are only judgy in a way that benefits their narcissism

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