Kim Iverson: Rodger Waters Accused of Antisemitism for Supporting Palestine

1 year ago

Kim Iverson: Rodger Waters Accused of Antisemitism for Supporting Palestine
Wins Against Censorship in Germany
See 37 minutes in.
More Facts Uncovered In U.S. Bombing of Nord Stream, Roger Waters Wins Right To Criticize Israel
Streamed on: Apr 26, 9:00 pm EDT
More Facts Uncovered In U.S. Bombing of Nord Stream, Roger Waters Wins Right To Criticize Israel
Roger Waters wins his lawsuit and will perform his concert in Germany after being accused oif being an anti-semite for supporting Palestine! Katie Halper joins Kim to breakdown the bias in media about Israel, her successful petition to help Roiger and Roger Waters recent legal victory. You can watch more of Katie’s work here:
Patrick Henningsen, Political analyst and producer of @21st Wire,TNT radio, joins Kim to discuss Sy Hersh’s reporting on Nordstream bombing with additional facts that support his reporting on the US involvement of the bombing. You can find Patrick’s work on:
Max Jones, a student at USC and journalist for Scheer Post confronts the former British Prime Minister about the Prime Minister’s position that Putin should be tried by the ICC for war crimes but not Bush for Iraq. Is there a student back anti-war movement at universities ? Max describes the atmosphere around geo-politics with Kim. You can find more of Max’s work:
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