US and South Korea announce plan to boost nuclear deterrence on the Korean Peninsula

1 year ago

In a recent development that could escalate tensions, the United States and the Republic of Korea have announced a plan to dock American nuclear-armed submarines in South Korea for the first time in decades, while issuing verbal threats to deter North Korea. The two countries also established a new nuclear consultative group in their Washington declaration to strengthen extended deterrence and manage the threat to the nonproliferation regime. While both President Biden and President Yoon called for diplomacy with North Korea, their joint statement shows that deterrence outweighs diplomacy. This video provides an overview of the recent announcement, its potential implications, and reactions from China and the international community.

#USROK #nucleardeterrence #KoreanPeninsula #NorthKorea #diplomacy #extendeddeterrence #strategicplanning #nonproliferation #peace #Pyongyang #WashingtonDeclaration #ballisticmissile #militarydrills #SouthKorea #JoeBiden #YoonSukyeol #nuclearweapons #nuclearconsultativegroup #China #Russia #regimethreat #endofregime #fireandfury #Guam #Bellicose #InternationalCommunity #PeacefulDialogue #Tensions #Restraint #CoolHeadedness #AlleviationOfTensions

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