MGTOW Is Not What It Should (And Could) Be! | True Red Pill / MGTOW Content

1 year ago

The reality that the MGTOW movement focuses mostly on women in my opinion means that it should be renames MGTOWFW. But that would not do what I believe to be the real purpose of the cause any justice whatsoever. Yes, we should recognize the failings of society when it comes to women and dating, however, it should not be the only pillar that men who identify with this cause stand on. You came here (I hope) to better yourself, and to truly go your own way. Not to claim you went your own way and still complain about the dating scene. If you truly went your own way, you would no longer care about any of that, which would ironically make you more attractive to women.

Anyways, enjoy the video and get your mind opened by this unique perspective.

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