Greetings from Jesus Christ to His Friends ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Greetings from Jesus Christ to His friends

Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 1, Chapter 8 - May 9, 1840

The Lord says... To My Friends

1. Amidst your mutual expressions of love, allow Me a spot to enclose a small greeting as well. For you see, I invite Myself right away whenever I receive even a moderately tasty morsel. Though I already knew you would not be disagreeable with Me today should I take the liberty of entering your midst as an uninvited guest.

2. Behold, those whom I love, because they have begun to search for Me and love Me, and have recognised My voice through My poor and weakly servant, them I gladly keep company, even if, more often than not, at perhaps a somewhat inopportune time. Though, what can the Father really do about the fact that He has more love for His children than the children have for Him? So, really you ought to give credit to My great love for properly imposing Myself upon you more often than not. Oh My children, how much I do love all of you! And thus, may you love Me as well, your good Father, and do always look to Me! I Myself shall one day be your reward!

3. Hear Me, all those of you who love to see Me in your midst: One day I shall take you into the midst of My love, and you shall dine at the great table of your Father! Behold, so shall I wholly be among you for the first time today. You will not see Me with your mortal eyes. However, I will touch your hearts as My poor, weakly servant presents these words to you. Know then that I have entered into your midst!

4. You need not be embarrassed in your merriment, be happy and of good cheer! For remember, when I am with you, you are with Me also, your good Father! Thus you are at home, and this is where embarrassment ceases.

5. Now that I am wholly in your midst, may all of you, My dear children, accept My supremely affectionate Father's greeting, as it has been given to all of you! May this Mine sincere greeting be a true blessing to you, as certainly as I am the true Father of all of you, should you receive it just as willingly as I always gladly give it to you. The greeting goes as follows:

6. Peace be with you! May My love be your sole wealth, may My grace illuminate the obscurities of the world and gently reveal to you the path of eternal life! Amen.

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