Dystopia Now! CBDC's Are Already Here

1 year ago

The recent collapse in the crypto world might have been orchestrated as part of a larger agenda to introduce CBDCs into the global economy. CBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency, a form of digital money that will be totally controlled by the central banks.

This has already begun and the groundwork for this was laid many years ago. Already CBDC's have been launched in 11 countries and are currently being piloted or tested in many others. After the FTX collapse, the NY Fed announced a 12-week pilot program for a "digital dollar."

Maxine Waters, a Democrat and Paul Ryan, a Republican have both recently echoed the same talking point that the US must catch up to China's digital currency in order to lead the world. So essentially, they are calling for the US to create its own version of China's dystopian social credit system and control grid.

CBDCs would give the governments the ability to surveil and monitor citizens' every move and transaction. It would give them total control and the ability to program the currency to only be spent on certain things. They can link this to carbon emissions and shut down your transaction if you exceed your carbon limit.

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