10 Interesting Facts about Quakers

1 year ago

What is a Quaker? Today, we’re exploring 10 facts about Quakers.

0:00 Intro & Theme
0:17 Fact 1: Origin
0:31 Fact 2: Name
0:45 Fact 3: Equality
1:10 Fact 4: Speech
1:56 Fact 5: Pacifism
2:34 Fact 6: Education
3:05 Fact 7: Family
3:21 Fact 8: Days
4:00 Fact 9: Reputation
4:16 Fact 10: Influence

QUESTION — Which Quaker fact is your favorite? Let us know in the comments👇

Dive Deeper:
You can read George Fox’s Autobiography for yourself at https://archive.org/details/georgefoxautobio00foxg/page/n9/mode/2up

Special Thanks:

Shoutout to the musical talent in this video. Checkout some of these amazing artists!

Sriracha! - Chris Howland: https://youtu.be/L7pmWmeFuBc
Xael - Overflow: https://youtu.be/c00hbRrdcXM

Photos & Videos
Unsplash, Pixabay, Freesound, and Public Domain

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