Movie: The Kashmir Files | Hindu Genocide | Baharistan-I-Shahi

1 year ago

#Kashmir #Hinduism #Islam
Baharistan-I-Shahi states: "Towards the fag end of his life, he (Sultan Sikandar) was infused with a zeal for demolishing idol-houses, destroying the temples and idols of the infidels. He destroyed the massive temple at Beejbehara. He had designs to destroy all the temples and put an end to the entire community of infidels,"

A Chronicle Of Medieval Kashmir Kashinath Pandit
by SrinagarAshram

Mohammad Ishaq Khan
First Published June 1, 1986

"By the end of the thirteenth century, it would appear that there was a colony of Muslims
in Kashmir. This is evidence by Marco Polo"

In the early spring of A.H. 727 (A.D. 1323), a king [12] Zulchu by name and confirmed as Zulaji by Mirza Haidar [13] entered [the valley] via Baramulla at the head of seventy thousand Mongol and Turk soldiers and horsemen.[14] From there he ordered his troops to carry out a wholesale massacre of the natives. Whosoever fell into their hands between the boundaries of Kamaraj[15] and the extreme end of Maraj[16] was put to the sword. People who had run away into mountains and forests were captured. Men were killed; women and children were made prisoners and sold to the merchants and traders of Cathay who had accompanied his troops. All the buildings of the city and the villages [of Kashmir] were burnt. His troops consumed as much of foodgrains as they needed and whatever remained they destroyed. The whole of Kashmir was subjected to destruction by their ungodly acts.
Suh Dev, the lord and ruler of Kashmir, was much disheartened and discouraged by the tyranny and corruption of Zulchu

Quranic verses:
"Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People
of the Scripture and the polytheists will
be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein.
Those are the worst of creatures."

Indeed, We have dignified the children of Adam, carried them on land and sea, granted them good and lawful provisions, and privileged them far above many of Our creatures.

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