Ep 39 N8 26th Apr 23 - Child Grooming for Pedophilia In NZ Schools

1 year ago

We need everyone in NZ to push back on what is the some of the most horrific plans by the [D]Elites so far.

Blatant grooming of children in New Zealand schools setting schools up to be a pedophile paradise. Potentially primary school age children will be raped by and become pregnant by other children/ teachers - This is NOT overstating this situation.

This is Criminal, is against the law and statute and case law supports that fact!!!

It is also a HSWA breach - The danger to children in schools is a workplace breach for a teacher/principle/BoT in the same way dangerous piece of machinery is a danger in the workplace.

Dora and Liz are putting together a "Notice Of Concern" that will inform Boards of Trustees and teachers of their personal liability for the their unlawful participation in this harm to children. Once this is completed it will be available in N8 & Section 83 FB groups, on N8WUNZ website www.number8.org.nz

We need this notice to go out to all schools so BoT/Principals and teachers push back against these worst of the worst CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN

Please share this video through all of your communities.


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03:43 Liz: Start - Section 83 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 to raise a hazard in the workplace - Employer needs to take notice - Curriculum for Sex Education is a hazard to the children and teachers - Age of consent in 16 in NZ - Concern the agenda may support a lowering of the age of consent

07:35 Liz: Dora has a degree in social work and a specialist counsellor for sexually abused children - Grooming legislation submission, December 2021 safeguarding children - Crimes Act 1961 Section 131 B - Meeting young person following sexual grooming, etc - Notice of concern to go to boards of trustees, principles, the parent teacher associations and more - Points of What is Grooming - Over 300 allegations currently in the system and number of convictions - Parents need to know these statistics

13:00 Liz: Sex education curriculum has possibility to attract paedophiles to the profession - Currently preschool is teaching sexual differences – Children are told they can keep classroom talk from their parents - Need teachers to join the union to keep an eye out and also be protected – Criminal warning to schools under the Crimes Act 1961, Vulnerable Children Act 2014 and Oranga Tamariki Act 1989/Children’s and Young People’s Well-being Act 1989

16:21 Liz: For civil as a PCBU the Board of Trustees has a responsibility as an employer - Teachers, to protect themselves and protect the child need to refuse to teach this curriculum because it's a health and safety issue for children - Teachers Council and Professional Conduct Committee - Example of a sexual abuse case 2014 as precedent (Gloriavale Pilgrim case) - Health and safety of children comes first!

19:41 Liz: Don’t let it get to the point that abuse has happened - It starts in the mind - Leaflet has been produced for the children without the parent knowing - Politics - 2024 Curriculum is of major concern with adult content *Unbelievable - Current curriculum is already sexualised - Normalising private - Under 16 it is illegal to have sex

23:24 Emz and Liz: Psychological trauma and manipulation - Content is normalising sex for children

25:31 Liz: Call out to members and you to start talking and doing - Even if they're the only teacher in that school, we'll make sure that we get parents and other people who are concerned to support them in that community - They're trying to take away our children's innocence - Sexual predators

28:21 Liz: Support the schools that say NO – Guess who’s writing the curriculum with Hipkins

32:34 Liz: Brochure called “Sexuality education in primary schools” information for board of trustees - make complaints - The content is beyond comprehension for children - Students can cross dress without informing parents

36:40 Dora: Welcome Dora - Became aware when came across the sexualised education programme that they are driving to have delivered by 2024 - Discusses the sexualised content in the program - Through the whole programme is the weaving in of “there's no such thing as boys and girls, we're all one.” - It’s not education, it’s a crime, it’s grooming - Dora is a qualified child protection practitioner and former tutor for child protection for social workers and psychologists

39:49 Dora: Vulnerable Children's Act section 14, Oranga Tamariki Act section 14, but only in the in the Crimes Act 1961 section 131 B does it actually stipulate grooming - Dora’s history of interviewing children and sex offenders in recognising predator/grooming language - Perpetrators may spend 90% of their time grooming a child and 10 to 5% is the actual act - Grooming tactics used to isolate the child

41:27 Dora: WHO program that they've sent out to all the ministries – Curriculum co-writer not duly qualified as a teacher, not duly qualified in child protection issues, and has no comprehension of assessing risk for a sex offender - The dangers of the curriculum for children and teachers – School education texts of concern - *** Listen to this section regarding the danger for children, child rape, pregnancy, abortion, secrets, mental health problems, suicide

48:17 Dora: Increased probability of sexual abuse at schools including between children

49:58 Liz: Thanks for sharing Dora - Call to action, need to notify minister of education and children - Some schools have been piloted (Egmont village and Taranaki) - Normalising - Grooming over the generations - Name and shame - Marxism to destroy the family - Nurses have a clause in collective agreement reserve the right to make public statements

55:53 Liz: Listing where the Notice of Concern will be served - Template coming ASAP

01:16:42 Dora: Home-schooling in NZ

Content links:

Section 83 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Right of worker to cease or refuse to carry out unsafe work

Schools Pride Week

Section 131 B Crimes Act 1961 - Meeting young person following sexual grooming, etc

Vulnerable Children Act 2014

Section 14 Vulnerable Children Act 2014 - Purpose of this Part

Oranga Tamariki Act 1989/Children’s and Young People’s Well-being Act 1989

Pilgrim - Gloriavale principal knew of sexual offending but allowed teacher to continue working

Young person of the year who wrote curriculum with Hipkins

Sexuality education in primary schools NZ

WHO International technical guidance on sexuality education

Egmont Village School

Home Schooling NZ

From the chat:



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