An Interview With Francis Chan

1 year ago

An Interview With Francis Chan

What do the POPE, TODD WHITE, AND HANK HANAGRAPH all have in common? They all know Francis Chan. Francis is a riddle wrapped in an enigma that has caught the attention of the conservative evangelical movement. As a graduate of Masters seminary and a pastor of a thriving megachurch, Francis Chan was a rising star in the conservative evangelical movement. He was a regular guest to the Passion conference, Desiring God, and IHOP's One thing, Francis was one of the most popular names on the conference circuit and amongst publishers.

That is until he started making decisions that were "self-sabotaging" in the eyes of western evangelicalism. Francis left his megachurch to start a network of house churches that were centered around authentic discipleship. Only to leave his now thriving home churches to do missions in China. All the while Francis begins to share stages with those on the evangelical blacklist. Who is Francis and what is driving his consciousness into the spotlight of controversy?

In this interview, we discuss everything with Francis Chan. We ask "is Francis Chan Catholic? What does Francis believe about Justification, Are Benny Hinn and Francis Chan BFF's" and more. Hope you all enjoy it.

0:00​​ Intro
#1 03:20​​ How did you go from Masters Seminary to IHOP?
#2 07:31​​ Does Francis Chan Speak in tongues?
#3 09:40​​ Why did Francis Chan Leave his Megachurch?
#4 13:16​​ Francis Chan's experience with the Home Church Network
#5 17:58​​ Francis Chan's experience with the Evangelical Black List
#6 23:13​ What does Francis Chan believe about the Catholic Doctrine of Justification?
#7 29:23 What is more important Unity or Truth?
#8 33:13​​ When would Francis Chan separate himself from other Christians
#9 34:51​​ Is Francis Chan willing to unify with other religions?
#10 38:33​​ Does Francis Chan believe in transubstantiation?
#11 41:20​ How can Francis Chan Learn and Grow from those he disagrees with?
#12 47:14​ How Can we resist Christian Tribalism, while maintaining theological integrity?
#13 50:13​ Why we need Discernment ministries but should be cautious of Scoffers.
#14 51:56 Francis Chan Explains his relationship with Hank Hanegraaff
#15 57:40 Does Francis Chan Believe in the "little god's" doctrine?
#16 1:08:40 Francis Chan relationship with Benny Hinn
#17 1:13:07 Advice John Macarthur gave Francis Chan

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