4 Sanhderin Advisors Meet to Discuss The Sanhedrin, Antisemitism, 7 Laws Of Noah, and Truth Media

1 year ago

This Week A meeting took place in Haifa Hosted in the Chabad House, Ephi Center and Canter of Prayer for all Nations, By Chief Chabad Rabbi of Haifa And Sanhderin Initiative Advisor Rabbi Benzion Gagola.

Joining was Myself (Rabbi Yosef Edery) talking on the progress of the Sanhderin Initiative, our 22 advisors and judges, and the new events we are holding up ahead, we speak to the concept of unity under torah of hashem vs. the unclear libral unity were good and evil are the same.

Sanhdrin Advisor Mr. Patrick Pesach spoke to the issiue of antisemitism and showed and gave us exlusive inshit and explained a bit from his book "the antisemitism report" and why it is of vital importance to undertand the topic of antisemitism to have a clear vision of the difference of good and evil.

Rabbi Benzoin spoke to the mission and idea of making the torah and prayer options to the nations much more accssesble to all in all langueges. he spoke to the novalty of the unity of the jewish people and the nations. and how ti is a new horizon with great spiritual and phisical sugnificance.

Sanhderin Advisor and Ephraim Truth Media Director Mr. Alex Horn, spoke of the origins of his organization, the lack of truth biased reporting in eurupe on topics sensetive to judaism, anti-semitism, the noahide community, and the truth of torah, how his media organization was a response to a void of clarity on these issues.

all in all it was a great sucsess, and for over an hour we spoke of the futre, breaking the spell that was placed on the population in the last 2 years, and showing the way out via the light of the torah and hashem.

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