Dr. Joel Wallach - There are NO Genetic Diseases - Daily with Doc 4/26/2023

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Dr. Wallach shares about some of his time in the military and his collaboration with Dr. Ma Lan and Retired Navy Seal Marvin Ropp. Interpreting the signs around you and using supplementation to sustain health. He stands firm on the most common diseases NOT being Genetic, despite the modern medical stance on only being able to sustain disease.
Dr. Wallach covers a young man's hair analysis questions about ratios of minerals within the graphics within his analysis results like calcium to phosphorus, zinc to copper, and elevated toxic minerals like Uranium. Dr. Wallach also provides a solution to cover dry skin, constipation, hypoglycemia, receding gums, varicose veins, and tinnitus. Other guests within the live audience and emails written in ask about removing damaged cells in the body, support the immune system, h. Pylori, supporting healthy bone marrow. The question about the possibility of rebuilding teeth was also asked.

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