V420 Jericho Marches VII. Bringing the Walls Down - Grace and Works as One (2023-04-26)

1 year ago

V420 Jericho Marches XII 2023: VII. Bringing the Walls Down - Grace and Works as One (2023-04-26)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230426.html
Duration: 38 minuites

"Brothers and sisters in Messiah Yah'shua (Christ Jesus), we are gathered her today not just to remember an amazing event that happened 3½ millennia on this very day, but we are here out of hope rooted in faith and love, that Yahweh will bring down whatever obstacles have been set in our way - by others who treated us cruelly or by ourselves because of sinning - and set us free to love Him and one another more fully in all the various covenants we live under. But for this to happen there are two things we must be absolutely willing to do that we have not yet spoken of these past seven days. And that's where we have to begin today...."

Jericho Marches: www.nccg.org/jericho_marches.html
Tithing: www.nccg.org/tithing.ytml
United Order: www.nccg.org/united_order.html
Incarnation: www.nccg.org/incarnation.html
13 bulls: www.nccg.org/lev20100924.html

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