How to Talk to talk to kids about Race (in a positive NOT WOKE WAY)

1 year ago

I spent the past month teaching the 1776 Bob Woodson curriculum to a group of youth. We had some fascinating and very open conversations. I was able to point out that Catherine Martin of Hidden Figures, said racism played very little in her experience at NASA.
I was able to talk to them about Bob Woodson and his principles. and I was able to let them talk openly about how they feel mostly being mixed race.

There are positive ways to talk to kids that highlight normalizing and unity. Diversity should be something that beautifies the world and that should go in ALL directions.

Ive never been one to celebrate my blackness, any more than I celebrate having crazy hair. I do think it important though that we create a narrative rooted in truth. That we celebrate and learn about and from history. Because if we don't when that activist presenter comes to your childs school or through social media and says "you don't know because your parents were too "biased" to teach you our children will believe them.

This is different than my long form interviews because I'm trying to reach as many people as possible, please help me by liking and sharing, and help the algorithm by commenting.

If you like what you see, stay for the longer conversation where Carolyn Headlee Sharette and I speak about building solid and grateful and successful students.

Music provided by: BenSound Frenchy Jazzy.

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