The Clash of Identities: You VS them

1 year ago Your support keeps me here! Thank you!

Book in the video: Narcissism: The Bad Boy Image :

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The time is now, the moment has arrived to finally understand the narcissist in a way that help you to realize that they will never take responsibility for what they have done.

That means something as the reason why they can never take responsibility is two fold; because of who they are, and because of who you are.

Be sure to watch until the end to give this video your honest thumbs up or thumbs down. THANK YOU!

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Hashtags: #narcissism #identity #clash #evil #badbehavior #education #selfcare #selfrealization #selfreminder #selfesteem #jesus #Jesuschrist #Love #empowerment #empathy #talking #talktherapy #feelings #encouragement #brave #saybravethings #enemy #toxic #liberation #selfhelp

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