Gohan Vs Kefla (Dbs Manga Motion) Animated #dragonballsuper #manga #dragonball #aivoice English Dub

1 year ago

Dragonball Super Manga Chapter 38 Gohan Vs Kefla Part 1

Recently, Dragon Ball Super put out its latest chapter, and the update focused heavily on Gohan to start. The Saiyan was seen challenging Super Saiyan Kefla to battle, giving Goku time to work on breaking his limits. With Gohan in his ultimate state, the hero went toe-to-toe with Kefla despite the Fusion's multiplied power, but the pair wound up in a stalemate.

So, are you okay with how this big battle blew out? Or do you wish the fight had a clear winner? Let me know in the comments!

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