BPP Celestial Warns Americans of The Freemason-Luciferian Traitors

1 year ago

As "Celestial" the Brainchipped-Puppet-Preacher(BPP) speaks, realize that when she claims "god" is talking to her, telling her what to tell you... realize that she has been brainchipped by the Freemasons and that the Freemasons' masters, Homo capensis, is speaking through her. A.i. is talking in her head as the "voice of god" weapon. https://www.bitchute.com/video/I6icy0uZVv5b/
This is they kind of magnetic brainchip within Celestial's head acting like a cellphone she never has to touch. https://www.bitchute.com/video/x364u55XBReL/ The covert brainchip monitors her thoughts and sends machine-language translations of her thoughts wirelessly to the A.i. supercomputer(or fake-god speaking to Celestial the BPP). The "sins" she speaks of are not the Creator-Gods words... they are just fake-sins that Homo capensis tells her to talk about. The American people do not deserve any such punishment. Luciferians are pushing dogma. Traitors are pretending to be justified as their souls shrivel-up.

What she is telling you about treachery is not a joke. Freemasons will let the enemy surprise all the American like Pearl Harbor.
USA people are "Virgins in a Mouse Trap" through secret society treachery: https://ugetube.com/watch/_38SqtUhTtCFxmtH.html

Freemasons run the politics, police, military, education, universities, health personnel, etc.,
Are the traitors within ... Freemasons and secret societies are the communists within in every position of authority allowing the invasion of the USA and the rest of the world. https://ugetube.com/watch/_vg5SYtWuQaDz192.html
USA will be taken down first. NATO is fake.

Pull back your troops back into the USA so you can resist the treacherous backstabbing by the Freemasons.

The missile will not work because they are all fake... the cold war was fake to frighten the sheeple to pay for the DUMBs and microwave prison-grid.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwsrRG8QqGg

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