Pre-Flood Prayers and Pray-ers - Prayers of Power, Unlocking Omnipotence (Part 4)

1 year ago

In this series on the prayers and pray-ers of the Bible we move from the example of Jesus to look at the beginnings of the Biblical Story. We examine the pre-flood world and what prayer looked like in a context prior to Scripture being written. Examples examined were:

Intro verse - 1 Peter 1:10-11 – Inquiring into salvation without the Bible…
1. Genesis 1:26-27 – Image of a relational God
2. Genesis 2:23 – Adam
3. Genesis 3:8-13 – Adam and Eve
4. Genesis 3:14 – God speaking to Adam and Eve
5. Genesis 4:1, 25 – Eve
6. Hebrews 11:4 – Abel
7. Genesis 4:6-16 – Cain
8. Genesis 4:26 – Enosh
9. Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5 – Enoch
10. Genesis 5:29 - Lamech

Originally presented February 11, 2022 at Border Church, Australia.

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