NFSC Speaks about Miles Guo's case document P3

1 year ago

04/22/2023 First episode of NFSC Speaks podcast: Roy and Shawn display photos of the "912 Special Task Group" on duty. The photos show members of this task group creating fake content using a large number of computers to attack, harass, and defame Victim-1 (Miles Guo). The New Federal State of China and its supporters have also been targeted by this special group. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
04/22/2023 NFSC Speaks新podcast节目首期:罗伊和肖恩展示“912特别工作组”上班时的照片。照片显示这个工作组的组员正在用大量的电脑创造虚假内容,对受害者-1(郭文贵)进行攻击、骚扰和诽谤。新中国联邦以及新中国联邦的支持者也受到了这个特别小组的攻击。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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