Preaching on abortion on Ascension Sunday, Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone of Priests for Life

1 year ago

Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, reflects on the Sunday readings for the Ascension and their message about abortion.
For more information about what the Sunday readings, and the whole Bible, say about abortion, and for resources for your Church, see You can order there the book “Proclaiming the Message of Life,” which contains these reflections for all the Sunday readings in the lectionary.

Acts 1:1-11
Eph 1:17-23
Mt 28:16-20

The Ascension is a powerful feast on which to preach the sanctity of human life, because at its core, this feast is about our human nature being exalted to the heights of heaven.

The “Bulletin Insert” above contains a synopsis of what direction the homily of this Sunday can take, whether it is the Feast of the Ascension, or the Seventh Sunday of Easter (on which the Gospel reading for this year contains the quote from John 17 about the glory Jesus had before the world began).

The faithful can be encouraged to use this Sunday as a launching point to pray each day this week to the Holy Spirit, as we approach Pentecost. The Spirit, who is the Advocate, makes us advocates when he fills our hearts – advocates for the weakest and most vulnerable among us, including the unborn. Priests for Life has prepared a special pro-life “Pentecost Novena” prayer that people can download from

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