Drone Boat Roams Through Hormuz Strait #iran #usmilitary

1 year ago

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The L3 Harris Arabian Fox MAST-13 successfully navigated the crucial waterway, drawing attention from Iran's Revolutionary Guard without any incidents.

On Wednesday, the US Navy marked a historic moment as it sailed its first drone boat, the L3 Harris Arabian Fox MAST-13, through the strategic Strait of Hormuz. This crucial waterway, which connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman, is a significant chokepoint for global energy supplies, as one-fifth of all oil traded passes through it. The narrow, busy waterway is often the site of tense encounters between American sailors and Iranian forces.

The 13-meter (41-foot) speedboat, carrying an array of sensors and cameras, managed to navigate the strait without incident under the watchful eye of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. The drone was escorted by two US Coast Guard cutters, the USCGC Charles Moulthrope and USCGC John Scheuerman, ensuring a safe passage for the unmanned vessel.

Navy spokesman Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins confirmed that the Iranians observed the unmanned surface vessel transiting the strait in accordance with international law. Iranian forces, including an Iranian drone and at least one Houdong-class fast-attack vessel, monitored the MAST-13 drone during its voyage.

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