We The People | Perilous World Radio 4/26/23

1 year ago

Alan Masters, Jan Masters, and special guest Andrew Serafini host today’s Perilous World Radio show. The enemy is trying to reverse the beauty that God has created in humanity. Andrew continues to fight the good fight and is here to share what’s next on his agenda.
• Hell on Earth
• Patriots Rising
• CallingAllPastors @Patriotview.us
• Power lies with the People
• Missed the mark
• Battlefront Counter Attack Segment with Colonel Monaco
• Discretion
Alan says that he’s learned the incredible value of being wrong and being sorry for it. When you are wrong and you see it and admit it, apologize. The ego dies and love happens.
Christ said to love him and love one another. We need to come together as a people and as a country. United we stand!

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