WHAT IS BBL? (BroadBand Light)

1 year ago

We take baseline photos of your skin. Then, we cleanse your skin, apply eye protection and apply a clear gel to the treatment area.

Once your skin is ready, we perform a series of passes over the skin with the BBL device as the device applies light flashes to the skin. The light penetrates your skin to damage the pigment, tissue, or blood vessels. Your body will work to repair the damage — reducing the appearance of discoloration or wrinkles.

BBL treatment is not a laser treatment. It uses intense pulsed light instead of the more focused light of a laser. Laser treatments are a single wavelength, while BBL uses a broad spectrum of light that we can filter several different ways to treat different conditions. It also treats a larger area of skin than a laser.

After the treatment, we cool the skin down and apply sunscreen.

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