Erased culture - Talk Talk - It's My Life (1984) - fragment audycji prawdopodobnie "Romantycy muzyki rockowej" z 1988 r. Lektor pl

1 year ago

Zapraszam do wysłuchania fragmentu audycji prawdopodobnie z 1988 r., w której Tomasz Beksiński prezentuje płytę Talk Talk - It's My Life, następnie pierwsze nagranie z płyty Voices & Images zespołu Camouflage. Nagranie odrzucone przez algorytm Youtube'a.

This is special material for peopole from Poland remembering Polish People's Republic. This man was very famous radio presenter and lyrics translator from 1980s to 2000s. He was really loved by thousends of listeners, but because of his great sensivity, he was very lonely. In the end due to this he has commited suicide.

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