1 year ago

Sunday Live - 23 Apr 2023!

My company is laying off 7,000 people this week. I am trying to stay calm but it's still stressful. Advice?

At what age should you stop giving babies what they want when they cry? Ours is ten months old and I think it might be time

Hello! Parenting question: my 2.5 year old has begun to truly defy me. Example- look me straight in the eye and jab me with his fork again when I just told him not to. How would you approach this issue?
Thanks, more info on the "defiant" 2 yr old: he indeed seems to do these behaviours most when he's not the center of attention (example: kicks the dog while I nurse the baby, yells loudly when I'm making an appointment on the phone, pinches me if I'm talking to a mom friend at a playdate). My husband wfh and I am a sahm, both peaceful parents, all day he gets lots of attention, affection, playfulness. Is it unrealistic to expect him to take turns talking/having the spotlight, is he too young?

Hey Stef, what do you think of taking advantage of price swings in Bitcoin? A recent example would be selling at the 30k peak and buying again now at 27k
Is it a valid hobby or do you think your destined to lose in the long term?

Stef, how did you get the communicating skills you have verbal and written? Did you take some courses? Was it reading a lot? Practice? A combination of things?

What do you think of a manager pursuing a relationship with an intern/lower level employee? Do you think there would be issue given the power dynamic?

What do you think is the most most opportunity in learning A.I? Do you think it's more opportunity to be a prompt writer or be able to write the software that makes the A.I work?

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