Intro to Blender3.5 Lecture: Modeling tips, PBR Renders

1 year ago

Edit Mode discussion
How to duplicate an OBJ in edit mode and edit its Transofmrations
Why yuou should Rotate OBJs while viewing them from a straight on view
selection modes recap
deleting the top faces that are pointing towards one another
edge loop selection recap
Bridge Edge loop to join 2 OBJs together that are not touching
Bridge Edge Loop fine tuning with the review panel
Bridge Edge Loop recap
applying more than 1 material to the same OBJ
2 materials on same OBJ recap
How to enable the Add On: Node Wrangler
Blender Materials location in CANVAS
Setting up our Subway Scene from a CUBE
removing the face pointing toward the viewer to make our hallway
moving our point light
Setting up PBR texture using NODE WRANGLER: CNTRL SHIFT T
adjusting the scale of our Texture using the MAPPING Node
going to EDIT mode to add a 2nd PBR material to our cube
adjusting the scale of our 2nd Texture using the MAPPING Node
creating steps from the floor with E extrude
modeling tip: P key- Separate Selection
Trouble shooting the ARRAY modifier
TAB back to OBJ mode then apply an ARRAY modifier on our stairs
Explaining 1 value in ARRAY modifier
turn off Floor grid in Overlays
Troubleshooting and adjusting texture on steps
Duplicating and editing a Material in Materials Panel
Creating our hand rail from a Cylinder
Adding Loop cuts for better shading CNTRL R
Duplicating the railing shape in EDIT mode and Rotating it in side view
3 for face select to delete the 2 faces of railing pointing towards one another
Edge loop selecting the edges around the open faces
Bridge EDGE LOOP to join the 2 pieces of railing together
Adding Shade Smooth to Rail

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