Shark hunting sardine in human's neighborhood 😲😲

1 year ago

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Shark hunting sardine may seem odd at first, but it's actuallya serious concern in some areas where large numbers of sardines gather. Sharks are attracted to these areas to feed on the sardines, which can result in overfishing and disruptions to the local marine ecosystem.
In some cases, fishermen deliberately target sharks that are hunting sardines in order to protect their catch, but thispractice can have negative consequences for the shark populations. Sharks play an important role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem, and their decline can have ripple effects throughout the food chain.

Furthermore, the practice of shark hunting can also pose risks to human safety. Sharks are powerful predators and can posea danger to swimmers and surfers who happen to be in the area. It is important to promote the conservation of sharks and to regulate the fishing practices to ensure the sustainability of their populations.

In many places, efforts are being made to protect sharks and reduce their accidental capture during fishing for other species. For example, some fishing gear includes
special features that allow sharks to escape more easily, minimizing their risk of becoming caught. Conservation efforts also focus on educating the public and fishermen
about the importance of sharks in the ecosystem and encouraging sustainable fishing practices.

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