We're Being Weaponized Against OURSELVES | Ep. 08

1 year ago

Gain control over your drinking, quit drugs, over-eating, over-sleeping or viewing filth on your phone FOREVER... So you can take back your life and be the man you're meant to be: https://www.waronvice.com/

Meet Elliott Hulse http://www.elliotthulse.com

There Is A WAR On Masculinity: https://www.makemenstrongagain.com/

Join The King's Militia: http://www.kingsmilitia.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliotthulse/

0:00 - The WAR of Our Generation
1:20 - Men Solve Problems
2:19 - Vice is NOT Liberating
3:22 - Unconventional Warfare
3:58 - Woke Ideology is a WEAPON
6:42 - The Left's Agenda
8:22 - Self-Destruction
9:30 - Slavery is Still Happening
10:33 - Green Propaganda
11:14 - Gain Total Self-Mastery

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