PAUL MASON 8 | LEAKY GUT allows DEADLY LECTINS into organs & brain

1 year ago
presents episode 786 | Dr Paul Mason
Dr Shawn Baker podcast

Major autoimmune disease cause?
-consume certain foods that have
'barcodes' similar to some of our cells
-our body considers them foreign
-attacks the invader proteins, but also:
-attacks our own cells' glycoproteins
-called lectins [carb-binding proteins]
-when we have leaky gut...
-allows clumps of these across barrier
-reaches lamina propria
-creates molecular mimicry

Addressing the gut is a key approach
for autoimmune disease....
-not the sole cause
-genetics plays a role
-other environmental factors also
"Genetics loads the gun; then
environmental factors pulls trigger"
Or, diet 'loads the gun' and an infection
pulls the trigger

'Barcodes' called glycoproteins...
-protein stalk with carb cap
-usually this has protective cap on top
[cealic acid residue]
-protects the barcode from being read
-certain infections strip off this protection
exposing cap to immune system proteins
"It is not just what we eat, but that is what
we have the most control over"
-can't change genes nor stop all infections
"Antibodies can last for 15-18 MONTHS!"


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