Allah Sends Evil Freemason Network To Hell - All Life Forms, Past & Present Pray Until It Manifests

1 year ago

Allah sen ds the Freemason to hell, therein they will abide forever, for the lies of the pandemic, for the lies that they play in the media, for the slavery of mankind, for all the faiths they diverted, for the wars they create, for the nations they plundered, for all the money they stole, for all the knowledge they corrupted, for all the woman they raped, for all the children they abused for all, the families they have destroyed, for all the babies they tortured, for all the anus they bled, for all the pain, for all the murders, the bombings, the crooked dealings and schemings, the lying and the deceiving, Hell will be upon them forever, Allah puts them there. Freemasons NOW LOSE ALL THEIR POWERS, they have been revealed. They are not intelligent or even occult, they are stupid and evil, unworthy of humane treatment, unworthy of decent living for they have sinned unlike any other, criminals worse than any animals or any creature even demons that ever existed. Aliah sends the Freemason to Hell permanently forever. Allah sends the Freemasons to hell where they will burn with terrible pain. Their hearts shall never function again, they never even used them. Allah sends the Freemasons to hell where they will BURN and BURN and BURN and BURN. Freemasons shall never sit on any Throne ever again, by the will of Allah.
No Freemason shall lead any nation, state nor household for they will be slaves to all mankind, in hell they shall stay forever. The torment they experience shall be equivalent to their sins on others. May no human nor animals follow the steps of a Freemason, forever they are cursed to damnation for their transgressions and evil doings. They are cursed to be of the lowest of rank of all beings in the entire universe until the End of Time by the will of Allah, the Just, the Abaser. Amin.

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