Tucker Carlson fired hours after this speech >>>

1 year ago

Did China fund team Soros (another 1/2$Trillion?) to destroy Tucker & Conservatives opinion using P. Ryan to perpetuate the NWO Democrat CRIME SPREE, by getting rid of Dan Bongino then Tucker Carlson & removing Reasonable/Conservative voices (reporting the Biden Crime spree), & is it linked to Kissinger`s Inside Job mob (since JFK & the USS Liberty [through Vietnam to Drugs to AIDS (Fauci) to 9/11 to Iraq to Clotshots to Dominion to Ukraine & WW3?]) en-route to the coming 2024 Election (more Election interference ahead?)? How much $$$$$$ do you think China would pay the NWO to destroy the USA from within? Highest bidder & the Art of War.

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