Malindi Cult Leader Radicalized By William Branham's Fasting Doctrine

1 year ago

Authorities in Kenya are confirming that "Message" cult leader Paul Mackenzie was radicalized using the doctrinal teachings of William Branham. News reports are confirming that Mackenzie was teaching Branham's apocalyptic doomsday "Message", combined with hate speech against Catholicism, government, medicine, education, and more; Mackenzie's sermons had been uploaded to Youtube for analysis.

Mackenzie's doctrinal mentor (Branham) taught the Latter Rain version of "atomic fasting" during the Latter Rain version of William Branham's stage persona -- the version which influenced Kenya. Branham toured with Franklin Hall, author of "Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer", and Branham taught Hall's extreme version of fasting. That version of "the Message" apparently influenced Mackenzie.

I’ve had people, after a certain book was wrote and put out about fasting, people come to my line: women, pregnant and things like that, come in my line, lose their, lose their mind, come—go into insane institutions from that. See? ’Course you can’t do that. Just because somebody else done it, that’s no sign that you’re supposed to do it. Let God lead you to do what you’re doing. If you’re led to, when you get hungry, it’s time to eat. When God puts a fast on you, you don’t get hungry. It’s God dealing with you. “Jesus was afterwards an hungered.” See? After His fast was over, He hungered.
- William Branham, Jan 25, 1961. (61-0125 - Why?)

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