YY V2C8 'Adam...Mabuwl | Flood

1 year ago

This is a "Read Along" and "Read Aloud" audio/video book to be read at a brisk pace along with the highlighted words and your reading speed will double. Adjust the speed to your liking at the settings option; 0.5 seems to be a happy medium if you want to only listen to the audio.


0:09 Weathering the Storm…
11:40 ...kaphar is symbolic of the Garment of Light with which Yahowah’s Set-Apart Spirit adorns us when we are born anew from above and forgiven.
22:15 ...water is considered the universal solvent because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid, and can, therefore, wash them away.
27:39 Beryth | Covenant is arguably the single most important word in the Towrah, in the Hebrew lexicon, and perhaps in any language.
37:57 In this place and time, Noach alone was tsadaq | right about God.
49:43 ...Towrah is based upon the Hebrew verb, yarah. It means “Source from which Teaching, Guidance, Instruction, and Direction Flow.”
56:01 Yahowah has both a paternal and maternal nature. God engages and supports us as our Heavenly Father and Spiritual Mother.
1:04:36 ‘Asher is a “relational term which designates a beneficial and joyous association.” With ‘asher, Yahowah’s Ruwach | Spirit “leads us along the correct path...
1:29:29 The neshamah is the part of mortal man which can know and respond to Yahowah or to Satan.
1:34:41 The moral of the entire story is that Yahowah has always been more impressed by the quality of a relationship than He is by the quantity of people who adhere to one.

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