Who is the Antichrist? - Revelation Part 19 - GTC CoMo 4-22-23

1 year ago

While we wait for His coming, Jesus has given us things to watch for. He tells us what characteristics the antichrist will have. And we can identify the antichrist spirit that’s already in this world today. Join us as we endeavor to understand the season of THE ANTICHRIST’s appearance and his characteristics.

Watch is the Greek word "gregoreo." It means to be awake or vigilant. It also means to keep up in order to guard. It means close observation.

Matt. 24:42-44, Luke 21:34–36, Matt. 25:1–13, Rev. 16:15, 1 Thess. 4:135:11, 1 Chron. 12:32.

Two effective ways to understand the Book of Revelation:
1. Through the lens of the Old Testament.
2. Through having a good understanding of the 7 seals that are mentioned in Chapters 6 through 8 in the book of Revelation. 

SEVEN Ways to Understand the Season of the Antichrist's Appearance 
#1. The world will witness the great rebellion or falling away of Christians.
#2. The world will see Antichrist declare himself to be God from Jerusalem.
#3. The world will begin to look to one man to fix its problems.
#4. The world will enter an intense Global War. World War 3. 
#5. The world will experience severe global famines and hyperinflation.
#6. The world will undergo intense violence and persecution.
#7. The world will witness a global leader whose name will equal or represent 666.

----Christ vs. The Antichrist---- (from "The End of the Age: The Countdown Has Begun," John Hagee page 224).
- Christ came from heaven (John 6:38); the Antichrist will come from hell (Rev. 11; 17).
- Christ came in His Father’s name (John 5:43); the Antichrist will come in his own name (John 5:43).
- Christ humbled Himself (Philippians 2:8); the Antichrist “shall exalt himself in his heart” (Daniel 8:25).
- Christ was despised and rejected (Isaiah 53:3); the Antichrist will be admired, lauded, and worshiped (Rev. 13:3-4, 8).
- Christ came to do His Father’s will (John 6:38); the Antichrist will do as he pleases (Daniel 11:36).
- Christ came to save (Luke 19:10); the Antichrist brings death and destruction (Daniel 8:24; Rev. 19:21;20:15).
- Christ is the Good Shepherd (John 10); the Antichrist is“the worthless shepherd” (Zech. 11:16-17).
- Christ is the Truth (John 14:6); the Antichrist is a liar (2 Thess. 2:11; 1 John 2:22).
- Christ is the “mystery of godliness” (1 Tim. 3:16); the Antichrist is the “mystery of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:7).

Antichrist Acronym
- A - Able to work miracles and wonders
- N - Necessitates and forces others to worship him
- T - Terrible hatred for Jews
- I - In the world today
- C - Changes laws and customs
- H - Head up the One World Government
- R - Rome will be the headquarters and ethnicity of the Antichrist.
- I - Incarnate of Satan
- S - Sophism or deception are his weapons
- T - Triumphed over by the True Christ! And Thrown in the lake of fire!

“Oh God our Father, how easy it is to backslide, to be living and yet be dead. How easy it is to become part of a troop of jolly church people, chattering and giggling, while the world grows old, the judgment draws near, hell enlarges its borders and the antichrist prepares himself to take over. While the world is unifying itself and getting ready for a king, oh God, my church is playing and saying, "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing" (Revelation 3:17). We have more people attending, we have more money than we ever had. Our churches cost more and our schools are full and our programs are many. But we are forgetting, oh my God, that the quality of our Christianity has been greatly impaired.” (The Attributes of God: A journey into the Father's Heart by A.W. Tozer Volume One page 195 and 196)

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