JFK to 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick (2014)

1 year ago

This documentary talks about the Secret Societies that have been in control of the entire world. Who are the real orchestrators and their reasons behind Hitler, the wars, the JFK assassination, all the way to the 9/11 tragedy on American soil. Who are the Skull & Bones Society and the Illuminati. What do the top officials of the FBI, the CIA, the Chief of Staff, the Mafia and of course the richest oilmen in Dallas have to do with the JFK assassination? The true story of Lee Harvey Oswald and how he was framed as "Patsy" in the Kennedy assassination. And the current era of terrorism up to 9/11.

🎯Life is based on countless experiences. It is never too late to learn, give yourself a chance. To be free you need to learn from a whole objective and not subjective edited truth. The truth will set you free even if facts checkers don't agree.

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