Article Video - Co-Option of Public Functions - Monday, April 24, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Co-Option of Public Functions - Monday, April 24, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 5th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:
This part of The Great Fraud began in the years immediately following the so-called American Civil War, and was one of the self-serving actions undertaken by the Robber Barons who were building the railroads at that time.

Many groups of outlaws haunted the American West, including but not limited to roaming bands of former Union and Confederate soldiers and gangs of professional gunslingers and cattle rustlers and, of course, train robbers.

The Railroad Barons used their influence over the Territorial Congress to secure new laws allowing them to hire private subcontractors, specifically, Pinkerton Detective Agency subcontractors, to ride the privately owned railroads at public expense.

The Pinkerton agents worked as private security personnel under the direction of the Railroad Barons, but their services were paid for out of the public purse. This first "public-private partnership" served as an example for many other and considerably worse abuses and transgressions against the natural barrier between the public functions of government and private corporate self-interest.

The Railroad Corporations, all operating as District of Columbia Municipal Corporation franchises, immediately benefited from shifting the cost of security personnel onto the backs of the General Public, yet maintained control over those security personnel and were able to direct them however the corporation's management chose. From T.E. Harriman's standpoint, it was the best of both worlds: private security forces at public expense.

We note that the Territorial Congress had no authority to create public-private partnerships to benefit their cronies and franchise operators, yet this practice has proliferated and continued non-consensually for over a hundred years, with no disclosure to the General Public and the State Citizen Principals.

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