Solving the Rubik's Cube of Acquisitions

1 year ago

The Bridgetown Partners team goes through a ton of work when evaluating a property for acquisition. Some of the things we consider:

-Location. Is this an area with job growth, income growth, and population growth?
-Current rents. How do the rental rates compare with neighboring properties?
-Physical condition of the property and systems: Roof, HVAC, plumbing, electrical.
-Financial condition of the property: Are the books and records in order? Are the leases correct?

We sift through tons of deals before we decide to pull the trigger on an acquisition. Sometimes it feels like solving a Rubik's Cube!

When an investor invests with us, we've already done a ton of work upfront to make sure the deal is sound. Our work ensures that your hard-earned capital is safe. It's not easy. And we love it!

ROIClear is the video podcast for business leaders.
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everybody wins.

Bridgetown Partners:
Ray Hightower:


Note: ROI Clear is written without spaces: ROIClear.

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