WWIII Explained: Cultural Decay - 5th Generation Warfare & the Supervillain Scholars (DOCUMENTARY)

1 year ago

Were you aware that the push for the New World Order was underway before our great nation became a nation?

Were you aware that while our nation was fighting WWII, we were being infiltrated by Communists and Cultural Marxists?

Were you aware that there was a well-documented and orchestrated plan for benevolent genocide and slavery to maintain the “sovereignty” of the elite? (Their words, not mine)

Cultural decay has been the objective of their Fifth Generation Warfare tactics since the 50s and the mountain of evidence to support this claim will blow your mind.

In this documentary, you will be taken on a journey through the untold history and psychological theory that has been deliberately hidden from the people.
Surprisingly, most of what you will learn is on Wikipedia for all to see. You were just never expected to connect the dots and do research beyond what the propped-up authorities of our world told you to think.

And in this documentary, I’ll walk you through how they did it.

Specifically, I will share how they were able to socially engineer our behaviors and social norms to reinforce Cultural Marxist ideals while slandering and silencing anyone who resists as a Fascist.

None of what is happening is happenstance, rather it’s a well-designed, well-funded and strategically orchestrated plan to usher in the New World Order.
And 2020 was the year when the rulers of our world shifted from planning to execution.

It all comes down to money, specifically the money changers.

You might be wondering, what does cultural decay have to do with money?

Well, everything.

It’s the investment bankers and wealthy elite that created and funded Hollywood and the media.

They essentially own our universities, our government, and the vast majority of corporations worldwide.

They may not own them outright, not directly because that would be too obvious. Rather they own them as board members, investors & shareholders, etc.

You get the picture.

The money changers control everything we consume, not just what we consume food wise, but also the data we consume with our minds.

They are the ones that drive how we are to be socially engineered to their will.

Fair warning, I go deep in this documentary, but I believe this is information every living being needs to understand.

Your history has been hidden from you deliberately.

I am proving the case to you in how they did it so you can train your mind to recognize the patterns of their behavior and so you can become impervious to the deception of this world.

You can find me at:
• Website: americarebooted.org
• America Rebooted on Rumble & Substack
• Dr. Deprogram on Twitter, Truth Social, and Telegram

Please subscribe and share this video far and wide.

Thank you for the support!

Dr. Deprogram

Minute Mark – Content Breakdown
00 - Introduction
08 - Overview of this Cultural Decay Series
14 - Recap of Narrative Control
15 - Cognitive Dissonance & Your Mental Health
20 - Generations of Warfare Type
22 - Silent Weapons for a Quiet War
25 - Types of 5th Generation Warfare: Hybrid – January 6th
28 - Types of 5th Generation Warfare: Irregular- Transgenderism, Pedophilia and the Grooming of Children
37 - Social Engineering (Theodor Adorno, Edward Bernays & Karl Popper)
42 - Types of 5th Generation Warfare: Unrestricted – Fascist Fink & Cyber Attacks
49 - Introduction to the Money Changers
51 - The Communist / Fascist Programming
55 - Intermission
56 - Pattern Recognition
58 - Supervillain Scholar #1: Herbert Marcuse
60 - Herbert Marcuse’s Student: Angela Davis
64 - Cultural Marxism & Critical Theory
72 - Origins of Political Correctness
77 - Oppressor – Victim Playbook
79 - Supervillain Scholar #2: Theodor Adorno
80 - The Authoritarian “Fascist” Personality
90 - Recap and Teaser for Next Video
91 - Introduction to Supervillain Scholar #3: Edward Bernays
94 - Office of War Information
96 - The Money Changers
97 - The Pujo Committee
99 - Legion of Doom Money Trust
100 - Money Trust Supervillain #1: JP Morgan
100 - Henry Sturgis Morgan Jr & the McCains
100 - Money Trust Supervillain #2: Paul Warburg
101 - James Warburg & the CIA
102 - Money Trust Supervillain #3: Jacob Schiff
102 - Dorothy Schiff & Jeffrey Epstein
104 - Other Money Trust Supervillains of the Legion of Doom (Stillman, Rockefeller, Davison, Harriman, Baker, Vanderlip, and Lamont)
105 - Now What
107 - Closing Credits

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