[Becoming a Writer] Revamping Rehashing Rewriting - Walter S. Campbell

1 year ago

There is singular method, practiced widely in all ages, and usually most of all by the greatest writers.
It is, in fact, the method of nearly all popular writers, great and small. It consists in revamping, or revising, the works of other men, so as to bring them up-to-date and make them fit the demands of the current market.
Popular literature is necessarily made up of old materials, with which the readers are already familiar. If the writer presents a reader with something entirely novel, that reader is puzzled; he “stops to think,” as we say. And when he stops to think, the show is over; for the common reader can hardly think out a puzzle and enjoy himself at the same time. Therefore, all popular literature is made of familiar matter—though it may be seasoned with a dash of novelty—and is, in fact, generally made of folklore older than the hills...
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