Bill Gates Pumps Millions Into Legalizing Pedophilia, Kids Are Sexual Beings! ThePeoplesVoice

1 year ago
Billionaire Bill Gates has been exposed pumping tens of millions of dollars into the campaign to remove the age of consent around the world, arguing that children are "sexual beings", and essentially making young children fair game at the hands of pedophiles.
Bill Gates comes from a long line of eugenicists and his father Bill Gates Sr. served on the board of Planned Parenthood. Now Bill Gates has been exposed funding the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), a group that is also campaigning for kids to be sexualized from an early age.

So what is it exactly about removing the age of consent around the world and decriminalizing sex with children that Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein's old friend, finds so appealing?

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