Karin Farfan, Raising The Quality of Your Life With Nutrition

1 year ago

Episode 165 - Health Heroes! Ever since I attended the Hippocrates Wellness Center in West Palm Beach Florida in 2011 I keep meeting others that have also been there. One of those people is Karin Farfan. Karin was an actress from Columbia that decided to go plant based to improve her health and it worked in the beginning but long term her health started suffering slightly and became underweight. Then after advice from some friends she ended up attending Hippocrates Wellness Center which is also plant based. Karin quickly learned the difference between living foods like sprouts versus raw foods and cooked foods. Once she started adding in living foods she started gaining back her healthy weight and her overall health improved dramatically. Now she is a full time health coach in Miami helping people live their best life. Besides the coaching she also does food prep for people in her local area. What I liked about her story was that she was one of the few people that really embraced health before there was a major issue. We are seeing that more and more today which is refreshing, where people aren't waiting until they are super sick to change. Thank you for listening, please subscribe and share this podcast if you like the content and think it could benefit someone you know. Love & Light -Coach Tim. To learn more about Karin you can find her on Instagram @HealthyKarin

Tim’s Favorite, HIGHEST QUALITY Health Product Recommendations:

Best Detox & Nutrition Supplements: https://www.chemicalfreebody.com/
Best Hydrogen Machine: Tim’s personal unit - CLICK HERE
Best Infrared Saunas & Healing Lamps: Tim’s personal unit - Save $100 CLICK HERE
Water Purification/Restructuring System: Book FREE Consult CLICK HERE
Best Home Air Purification Unit : Tim’s personal unit CLICK HERE
Best Non Toxic Home Building Materials: CLICK HERE

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