part B. EARTH: Flat Plane: MOON: Self-Luminous. Male-Female: Equal. Understanding Is PRINCIPLE

1 year ago

Share. Subscribe. The MOON and SUN are 10-90 degrees off angle. The MOON is a self-luminous object. The Moon is a translucent (semi-transparent) disk. So is the Sun. The Sun is type of machine. But what type ? The Sun is 1,651.29 miles above Earth. This is found and KNOWN by using: Basic Trigonometry's " Angle of Elevation ". THE CORECT WAY. The Moon is 1,550 - 1,600 miles away above earth on its' circuit. /// Female-Male are equal in all 3 major categories: (1) Biological (2) Sociological (3) Culturological. It is impossible to be any other way. There would be NO specie otherwise. /// The highest form of Understanding is Spiritual. Then mechanical. Which is close to robotic. Understanding is indeed the PRINCIPLE thing.

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